Monday, April 30, 2012

Please get your children of the corn in check.

Ear Fluid Of the Day
Listen to THIS while you READ

Style Juices of the Day

Somebody has to say it:

1. If you are not in a club, in the middle of a live concert, or partially deaf, there is absolutely no reason for you and your friends to be conversing at a level that can be heard two continents over. 
Kudos for being the loudest mother f*cker within a ten mile radius (im sure that will come in handy, never), but now allow me to introduce you to your inside voice, which is located on the imaginary bitchslap the rest of us are fantasizing about. 

2. Your children are cute. Adorable even... until they pop up out of nowhere like that not-alive, not-dead but not-quite-yet-a-zombie demon child from The Grudge. I cant count how many times i've been out shopping and out pops a screaming mini Lucifer from the clothing rack, scaring the living shit out of me. Like i said your children are cute, but not so much after i've accidentally punched them in the face. 

3. Nothing is more uncomfortable then when you accidentally spit on someone. You know, mid-sentence your mouth gets a bit too excited and that mutant drop of spit goes flying outta there, most often hitting the other person dead in the face. They are thinking, "this as*hole just spit on me"... You are thinking. "shit i just spit on this asshole" You completely forget what you were talking about in the first place because you're so caught up thinking about whether you should acknowledge the fact that your saliva just violated this person. Do you mention it? Apologize? I dont know what the protocol is, but i know its awkward as f*ck. 

"I dont think i could ever stab someone.
I mean lets be honest, 
I can barely get the straw in the Capri Sun"


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Its all located, the second left past the O.C.

Ear Fluid of the Day
Listen to THIS while you READ

Im one of those people that like to watch television shows, more to criticize whats going on and loudly voice my opinion on what i would do in that certain situation compared to the stupid shit the actors are doing. I know its not real, and TV shows/movies are merely there to entertain us during the times when our lazy species would much rather plop ourselves on the couch and eat death food, rather than go outside and, you know, see the world. But i admit, i find great comfort in the fact that i feel like im ridiculously smarter than most characters i see on the big/small screen.

I have a huge guilty pleasure that consists of watching the world's worst shows, for example, (kicking it back old school) the O.C.,  where 30 year old teenagers are making out with each other and 15 year olds live 25 year old lifestyles, simply because they're on TV and they do what they want. But the shit they want to do, is well, stupid shit. As you may have caught on, i've currently been re-watching all the seasons of the O.C., and i cant help but think about how the first time around i watched it, i was in my early tweens, and i took that shit SERIOUSLY. Like no joke, never miss an episode, everyone-shut-the-fuck-up-the-oc-is-on, that kind of SERIOUS. But now, years after the universe has stolen my innocence and turned my naive 14 year old self into, a 22 year old sarcastic and hardheaded global citizen, i re-watch as alcoholic 10th grader (Marissa-im-allergic-to-fucking-smiling-Cooper) tries to kill herself overdosing on pain killers, while on a trip to mexico, because her parents are getting a divorce and her boyfriend cheated on her. Afterwards her mom starts banging her ex boyfriend, and Marissa befriends a psycho who eventually becomes obsessed with her and tries to murder her, then (oh we arn't done yet) her new boyfriend (Ryan-i-also-have-a-permanent-frown-tattooed-on-my-face-Atwood) has to bounce outta town because he has impregnated his 16 year old ex girlfriend causing his also 16 year old adoptedish brother (Seth-before-his-time-hipster-Cohen) to runaway to the pacific ocean on his 15 foot sailboat.  Yeah. You just read that. So as i was saying.. i watch all this now, and after i brush aside the "what the fuck did i just watch".. it all kind of clicks.

Im pretty sure that watching those ridiculously (and by ridiculously i mean, this shit never happens in real life) dramatic 45 minute television shows, when our minds were still innocent, is todays leading cause of crazy.

shit just got real. 
please ryan, enlighten me with your deepness 

Style Juices of the Day

"let us dance in the sun
wearing wild flowers in our hair
and let us huddle together
as darkness takes over
we are home amongst the birds and trees
for we are
children of nature"

what it is,

Saturday, April 28, 2012

I have a lunch date with your missing sock.

Ear Fluid of the Day
Listen to THIS while you READ

A person who acts free of regard for conventional rules and practices. 

I am permanently stuck between seasons. 
I am the few seconds between 11:59 and 12:00. 
Im not particularly good at listening, but incredibly good at doing.
The ability to get personal, baffles me. 
When socks go missing, you can find me having tea with the absent one.
Remove me from under this massive pile of what-the-f*ck-am-I-doing's
and THEN we shall talk about conventional. 

Sometimes (most times) i fantasize about living in a village where at birth, people hatch away from their traditional and expected behaviors. A village containing those who are not afraid to break free of the eggshells that confine them to a world so orthodox and plain. One where all are infected with a virus so strong, that its inhabitants are blinded by freedom and the yearning to be creative. This disease would spread viciously, contaminating every aspect of its carrier's lives. Its side effects include, eccentric decision making, capricious spirits, and bazaar curiosities. There would be no hate or ignorance, no rules or judgments, instead a world obsessed only with:
 hot, sweaty, unexpected and unconventional pacifism. 

...and then i snap out of it, disappointed at  what a shame reality can be. 


Friday, April 27, 2012

Dammit Thumper, stop smoking in the house.

Ear Fluid of the Day
Listen to THIS while you READ.

"Unbeknownst to most,
the world is completely
controlled by a single
pipe smoking rabbit."

Caused by two almond eyes 
resting on a beautiful haunted canvas. 
"you reap what you sow", 
 whispered he.
it swallowed me whole
starting from beneath my feet
its merciless teeth
 feasting on what was left of me.
although a miniature version of most
...i made a huge meal. 

i know, i know, my beloved steven, 
where the f*ckeroos is my 
positive mental attitude?
i cant keep letting the past consume my present.
happy happy thoughts.

freddy fucking mercury
flower children
flying with elephants 
affordable magic carpet rides

the friendly strangers who occupy my dreams. 
thanks S. Tyler. 
I feel better now

Style Juices of the Day
outfit of the day

its one of those days,

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sorry David Bowie, I got lost in the jungle of your Hair.

Ear Fluid of the Day
Listen to THIS while you READ

"Give me the child. Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen. For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great... you have no power over me"
                                                                                       -The Labyrinth

One of my all time favorite movies growing up. I remember i stood in front of the mirror reciting my heart out pretending to be Sarah. I wanted a Hoggle of my own. I would daydream about fighting my way through the intricate maze, marching up to the castle past the goblin gaurds, and giving David Bowie a piece of my mind. Although I secretly wanted to marry Jareth the Goblin King. Im sure if i was Sarah in real life, I would pretty much just ditch baby Toby and become Mr. my-hair-is-sexier-than-your-face David Bowie's Goblin queen. 

I was thinking about this movie today and realized that my life right now IS that maze. I know where i want to go, what i want to be, and what i want to do, and i can see it all in the distance. Its right there. Right in front of me. But the shrubs, the strange talking doors, the ever-changing walls, the shady yet cute characters and all the other multiple obstacles are standing between me and my castle. It seems every path i've taken thus far has been completely off track. I can't get there. Im not even close. The Labyrinth is wining and i have no oh-so-sexy D. Bowie to advise me here and there. 

Its all so frustrating. You make a few bad decisions, start traveling down the wrong corridor and next thing you know, the castle is further into the horizon. Please Goblin King, send me a hint, and while you're at it, a broom as well, so i can clean up the mess i've made trying to reach you.

Style Juices of the day
Tie Dyish
Casual Button Down


I met a woman
She had a mouth like yours
She knew your life
She knew your devils and your deeds
And she said
"Go to him, stay with him if you can
Oh but be prepared to bleed"

Until Next Time,

Outfit of the Day