Thursday, May 17, 2012

Here i go.

I sit here at my desk on the 21st floor and stare out the window towards the beautiful city of Taipei, Taiwan. The people roaming the streets, just miniature pacmen searching for their blinking dots. The buses making their ritual stops, picking up, dropping off, in they go. The thousands of scooters at war with the aggressive taxi drivers to be the first to their prominent destinations. The food vendors and the business men who slyly stare at the women in their high heels, holding their coffees and working their morning swag. The business district. Everyone goes ,everyone comes, every morning and every afternoon I am a component of this persevering piece of the city's puzzle. I have fallen in love with this small section of the world. I will be sad to leave. My time here will soon come to it's end and I slowly begin my silent goodbye. I look foreword to what the future brings, this next big step, actually leap, towards something new, a bundle of terrifying, exciting and compelling all mashed together, forming the concoction known as my future. The opportunity has presented itself for me to start a promising beginning of the rest of my life. Ive never been one to venture into the world of no guarantees, but here I go, throwing everything I am and everything I want to be, towards this giant question mark labeled "will this be my chance?"

I have spent enough of my days being the sole creator of my own catastrophes.
Being an "alien" to the harsh realities of the so called "real world".
Although the past can never be abolished, the future can provide a lighted walkway towards my own sought after personal redemption, but only if I have the courage to step off the safety of the shore.

Opportunity knocked, and I answered with a smile and a pair of floaties.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Volcanoes melt you down

Listen to THIS while you READ

Don't hold yourself like that

cause You'll hurt your knees

well I kissed your mouth, and back

But that's all I need

Don't build your world around 

Volcanoes melt you down

And What I am to you is not real

What I am to you, you do not need

What I am to you is not what you mean to me

You give me miles and miles of mountains

And I'll ask for the sea

Don't throw yourself like that

In front of me

I kissed your mouth, your back

Is that all you need?

Don't drag my love around
Volcanoes melt me down

What I am to you is not real

What I am to you, you do not need

What I am to you is not what you mean to me

You give me miles and miles of mountains

And I'll ask 

What I give to you is just what I'm going through

This is nothing new, no, no just another phase of finding 

what I really need is what makes me bleed

But like a new disease, Lord, she's still too

 young to treat

Volcanoes melt you down

She's still too young 

what i am to you

you do not need is not real

I kissed your mouth

You do not need me

I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
-Edward Steichen. 

Went on an adventure today.

Needed to clear my mind.
Needed to be away. 
Far away. 
Saw some wild monkeys. 
It's almost like the reset button is pressed, 
and everything I am, is reminded
..There is beauty in the world. 


Saturday, May 12, 2012


All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.
-Anatole France


I've recently  re-discovered how amazing my friends are. 
Skype should send a few free gift baskets my way for all the business we have been giving them. 
I got to attend a party that was taking place all the way on the other side of the world, all through the 13 inch screen of my macbook. 
Thank you technology.

what is this TIME magazine cover of this manbaby parasiting (did i just make a new word ?) off his mothers teetah? 
i know its not suppose to be a big deal, but i could have gone the rest of my life without seeing that...
but thanks to that special someone who biggie sized it and sent it to me in a FB message.
If you didn't get a chance to see it,
Allow me to make you slightly and momentarily uncomfortable... 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012


When i sleep at night, the closet door cannot be cracked open, not even the slightest bit...
Or else im convinced there is something in there watching me...

Alis Volat Propriis .

finally, with my own wings.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


"Where it used to be,
you can find  a hole 
one which I find myself
constantly walking around in the daytime,
and falling into at night."

Alea iacta est.

I will consume your DEW.

Ear Fluid of the Day
Listen to THIS while you READ

I love the smell of mornings.
The sound of dew.
The crispness of the dawn, 
its horizon not yet corrupted
               by us. 
If only i could consume this feeling.
Scoop it up and swallow it whole. 
Digest its simplicity and innocence. 
To feel it running through my veins, 
working my insides like a drug.
             oh what a fix. 
But only in the mornings. 
After 9am....
it's yesterdays garbage. 

"You have to grab hold. Sometimes it's your crotch, sometimes its reality. "
-Steven Tyler

Style Juices of the Day

My lips on the other hand.. are a whole different story.

point me in the direction of the sunkissed buffalos,
its there where my mind wishes to plant its seeds.

God, you have no idea how beautiful you truly are. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

run forest.

Ear Fluid of the Day
Listen to THIS while you READ

I cant let myself fall back into the same routine of forgetting about this blog.
Its always been a goal of mine to keep one up.
Even if nobody is reading it,
it's pretty much my only creative outlet. (if we can classify typing out my scrambled egg thoughts as creative, may be a far stretch.)

I just started work last week, so when im not at the office, im at home hanging out with my pillow, who seems to be my only friend lately. (Its cool, we get along like Forest and that Jenny person)

thank you "the fithen" for pointing out anonymous is spelt wrong...
damn tumblr.
oh well, adds character 

i really have no creative juices floating at the moment. 
(and by floating, i meant flowing)

..give me 12 hours.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012


For lack of purpose
my mind decided today
would be a perfect day for evaporating into
The thought i thought
has run away.
Among other things,
i cant quite process
where my attention span began
and where it decided to end.
Your beautiful words
oh your beautiful words.
And how they
were so quickly absorbed by my skin
Have you left your rmark?
im sure it's there
but not unlike the footprints engraved on the beach of my mind,
a simple wave of my defenses can
wash it away.
it doesnt matter for now
i am too preoccupied 
playing hide and seek 
with those beautiful words.
lets continue this later
the smell of sulfur is making me sick