Saturday, December 24, 2011

Something New

I need an escape.
Everything seems to have changed.

Blogging is such a huge responsibility.
Its funny because topics to write about used to flow out of me one after another.
I guess im experiencing a years long writer's block.
I dont even know if i can consider myself a writer anymore.
What once was a passion now seems like distant trait belonging to that person I was a long time ago.
That person I WAS is no longer the person I am.
In fact, im having difficulties trying to figure out the person i am.

It feels strange converting my feelings and emotions into words.
But the thoughts and feelings are overwhelming and I NEED to let some of them out.

Im sitting here trying to figure things out.
I dont know where to start.
Damn It.


  1. So this is what you were doing when we were down in the family room?
